Review of:
The Core Fear of - The Loss of Meaning
Generally, the Core Fear of - The Loss of Meaning - looks like:
These are general statements for what The Loss of Meaning looks like, they are not meant to be specific to you.
You feel like meaning is being “stripped away” from your life.
You fear the loss of value in life - what you regard as important or what you deserve.
You fear the loss of goodness in life - your experiences are loosing enjoyment or not enjoyable.
You fear the loss of worth in life - you feel like life is unfulfilling or not worth it.
What does The Core Fear of The Loss of Meaning - look like for you?
Meaning, based on your past experiences, and in your own words answer the following questions, describing in detail. (Submit answers in the form below).
Each person who has the “Core Fear” of The Loss of Meaning will have similar answers, but the unique facets of your answers is very important when we start the treatment phase.
If you have any questions filling out the form please reach out for clarification.
Signs or Symptoms that you are experiencing The Loss of Meaning.
Feeling depressed.
Feeling an emptiness or void inside, the enjoyment of life is gone.
Feeling transparent, not seen or hidden from others.
Feeling stuck, can’t move forward in life.
Feel like things don’t matter, including your existence.