Review of:
The Core Fear of - The Loss of Love & Connection (Abandonment)
Generally - The Core Fear of The Loss of Love & Connection - Looks Like
These are general statements for what The Loss of Love & Connection looks like.
You fear the loss of love or not obtaining love.
You fear the loss of connection or the lack of good or new connections.
You fear being rejected by other people (can include people you personally do not know)
You fear the disapproval from other people (can include people you personally do not know)
You fear being alone
What does The Core Fear of The Loss of Love & Connection - look like for you?
Meaning, based on your past experiences, and in your own words, answer the following questions, describing them in detail. (submit your answers in the form below)
Each person who has The Core Fear of The Loss of Love & Connection will have similar answers, but will have unique facets that will distinguish their answers from others. That is what we are looking for in your answers.
Signs or symptoms that you are experiencing The Loss of Love & Connection.
Feeling alone or lonely, especially when you are around others.
Feeling bored, lost of interest being around others, isolating.
Upset at self because of how you Interacted in-front of others.
Worried about what others think or feel about you.